It was really fun and really cute. Sorry for the lousy phone photos but I was being lazy and did not bring my camera.
You have to register online first. We showed up early and they were already set up. It was a little wood model with little nails and directions.
The attendant gave us the set, a hammer to use, and a cute Lowe's apron for my daughter.
I had hoped there would be someone to help us figure out how to do it, but the attendant, while very friendly, did not offer any help.
I am of absolutely no use with tools but I did manage to figure out how to put it together on my own. Okay, well with a little help from my 4 year old and the people around me!
It was not exactly the way it was meant to be, but it worked and my daughter was so proud of herself for nailing it together.
When the project is complete the kids are given a cute little patch to take home. You can iron it onto their apron for them and they can wear it to the next workshop and earn another badge.
There is a Shrek Onion Carriage coming up the weekend of August 25th. Check out the Lowe's Build and Grow link to register.
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